Botanical Name: Pycnosorus globosus

100 Seeds
Availability: In stock

An attractive perennial plant with narrow woolly leaves and golden globe shaped flowers on long stout stems. Flowers throughout Spring and is excellent for cut flowers and drying. Prefers a moist but well-drained soil, but can take dry periods and coastal sites. Very frost tolerant.

Plant Height: 50 - 75cm 

We hope you enjoy these Wildflower seeds, just another great example of  seeds from Mr Fothergill’s!

Product Specifications
How To Grow

Sow in warm areas at any time. In colder climates wait until the danger of frost is over. Sow by pressing seeds in the soil surface, direct where they are to grow or into seed trays filled with a moist quality seed raising mix. Water, and then keep evenly moist. It is beneficial to add Mr Fothergill’s Wildflower Seed Starter granules to soil surface. Place in a warm shaded position to germinate fully. Transplant to final growing position when about 7cm (3”) - avoid disturbing the roots. Grow in full sun or part shade in well-drained soil. Water in well and then regularly until established but avoid fertilisers that are not designed for Australian natives.

Seedlings emerge 14-21 days.

When To Plant Spring, Summer and Autumn
Flowering From 12 weeks
When to Sow/Plant Spring, Autumn

Our Seed Guarantee

If you are not completely satisfied with these seeds Mr. Fothergill's will gladly replace them for free. Performance subject to growing conditions.

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