Tulip Bulbs

Grow a dazzling spring garden with Mr Fothergill's tulip bulbs, for sale between February and June. Our extensive collection includes stunning varieties in every colour imaginable: choose from vibrant reds, sunny yellows and fiery oranges to delicate pinks, whites and varying shades of purple, some so deep they appear almost black. Plant these magnificent flower bulbs in autumn and early winter for a spectacular display in the springtime.

Whether you're seeking classic single tulips, luxuriant double blooms, elegantly fringed petals or eye-catching bicolour combinations, our Australian-grown tulips will create a breathtaking show in your beds, borders or container garden. Shop our complete tulip bulb range below.


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Explore Our Tulip Bulb Collection

From the timeless elegance of single early tulips to the exotic appeal of fringed and parrot varieties, there's a tulip bulb to suit every garden style. These beloved spring flowers are prized across Australia for their exquisite bloom form and vast colour palette – they’re ideal for creating stunning mass displays, but look just as impressive in pots and containers.

Easy to grow and reliable, our tulips are perfect for adding early colour to your garden, along with other autumn planting bulbs like daffodils and crocuses. Their long stems and excellent vase life also make them a classic choice for cut flower arrangements!

When to Plant Tulip Bulbs

In Australia, the ideal time to plant tulip bulbs is during autumn and early winter (March to June), when soil temperatures have cooled – usually around mid-May. Store your bulbs in a cool, dark place until you're ready to plant.

While technically perennial plants, Australian tulip bulbs are often treated as annuals and planted fresh each year, though they can also be dug up and saved for next season. This will help ensure the most impressive blooms.

How to Grow Tulip Bulbs

Plant your tulip bulbs 10-15cm (4-6in) deep, with the pointed end up, and space them 10-15cm (4-6in) apart. They prefer well-drained soil and plenty of sunlight. Water them well after planting, but avoid over-watering.

Tulips bloom in early spring. Once they’ve flowered, remove their spent blooms so that the plant can focus more energy on its bulb. You can then dig up the bulbs and store them in a cool, dry place over summer, ready to plant again for next spring.

For more information, read our full guide to spring flowering bulbs.

Tulip Bulbs for Sale at Mr Fothergill’s

For fresh spring colour, you can’t go wrong with tulips – so shop tulip bulbs at Mr Fothergill’s. We’ve got a great selection that can brighten up gardens big or small, in a range of bold colours and subtle shades. Don’t forget to explore our flower seeds and the rest of our spring flowering bulbs for even more gardening options. Find Mr Fothergill’s tulip bulbs in garden centres, hardware stores or online today!