Lilium Bulbs
Liliums are one of the most popular cut flower varieties as they last well in vases. Cut them when flowers are just starting to open and you will enjoy their blooms for over a week. Best cut with a few lower leaves left on for a complete flower arrangement. Lilium bulbs are seasonally available in the winter months and are best planted June to September for a spectacular flower display in the summer months.
There are many different varieties of Lilium including Oriental Lilies, Asiatic Lilies, Oriental Trumpet Lilies, Tree Lilies, Tiger Lily, Lilium Longiflorum and Turk's Cap Lily. Use our blog to help you in Choosing the Right Lily for your garden.
Note: There are many other flowers called 'Lily' that are not true Liliums such as Canna Lilies, Calla Lilies, Water Lilies, Lily of the Valley and Storm Lily to name a few. You can view all these in our Summer Ready Bulbs collection.
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